Six beautiful quotes to find inner peace in life. Kinchit Bihani
Life from time to time puts us in difficult situations. Forces us to rethink the purpose of life, our understanding of life. Leaves us with questions that overwhelm us. What then follows is a long journey inside us in search for answers.
Let us find those answers in quotes that follow.
- On handling rejections, always remember
Rejections are neutral: you can glorify your rejections by overcoming them, or let those rejections take away your glory.
2. On hard work and success
If you get what you want in life, feel that you were lucky and be grateful; if you don’t, think that you could have worked harder.
3. A question that is worth asking from time to time
Are you running for a good life or running away from a good life? The answer lies within you.
4. On avoiding conflicts in your daily life
Staying silent is not always a sign of defeat or weakness. Silence carries weightage when words have no meaning left.
5. On seeking greater happiness in your relationships
Do not speak to and for others in a language that you do not want to hear from others. Your karma will follow you.
6. On finding the fine balance in your life
Your life can be a fine balance of your needs, wants and desires; all you need to do is classify. A person with endless desires can never be happy.
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PS If you have ever thought about making a positive contribution to society, but felt helpless and lost, my humble submission to you is — Don’t Give Up. Why? Because YOUR views matters more than ever before. My book (link below) offers a starting point to finding your role in creating this new world order, offering answers to a wide range of issues (fighting hate to battling loneliness to tackling climate change and more) that impact our personal lives (and indirectly society), in a big way.
I sincerely hope that the book will complete you by the time you will complete it.
You can watch a beautiful representation of my quotes below