The fever most people neglect

Kinchit Bihani
3 min readMar 15, 2024


The last time you had a fever, did you seek medical advice from a billionaire or your local parliamentarian? I guess not.

For clarity sake, in simple medical terms, fever is a temporary increase in body’s temperature due to a disease or illness.

So, let me ask you: what will you do if you develop a fever?

Generally speaking, if one has mild symptoms, the situation is unlikely to be of concern. Your body will mount a response. Home treatments to aid your recovery would include taking plenty of fluids, proper rest, appropriate clothing and medications on a need basis. Hopefully, your condition will start to improve.

But, what if the fever continues to rise? You will likely rush to the doctor, who would examine you. What if the doctor notices some alarming signs: temperature exceeding a critical level or other vitals shooting out of range. You would be asked to undergo investigations, which need to be analysed to devise a treatment plan for your recovery. Any delays or negligence could land you in trouble, in the emergency room or on a ventilator or in the worst case, a morgue.

In the case of Earth, the scientists broadly see the temperature rising: 1.1'C, 1.2'C…1.5'C.., and yet most people are cool about it.

Scientists are the doctors here. They have identified the disease, what is causing it, how is it growing, what worries them, what needs to be done, how to do it, so on and so forth? Sadly, most people are not listening to scientists, and instead following the sermons delivered by the rich and political class, who claim to have a magical cure for this fever.

In the case of Earth, the point of tracking the temperature rise is increasingly becoming irrelevant because it is no longer a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’, now.

“How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? “ was a phrase used by 17th century philosophers, to debunk scholasticism, and in general refers to wastage of time arguing on questions of little value, while more urgent concerns accumulate.

So, instead of treating the disease, the world is hooked onto tracking temperatures that surely will hit the roof one day.

Droughts, floods, hurricanes, heat domes, crop failures, coral bleaching, and many more extreme events are symptoms of a fragile Earth showing signs of vulnerability. Earth’s blood reports, ultrasounds and X-rays are flashing red signs. Homeostasis is about to be disrupted. Organs, one by one, about to fail.

What do we do? Book an appointment with your local politician and billionaires, but only after listening to the doctor first.

Protest. Demand. Vote. Inspire. Challenge. Confront …

Do whatever it takes

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Thank you for reading. If you wish to read more of my work, here is the link to my book Homo Unus: Successor to Homo Sapiens



Kinchit Bihani

Looking for a pair of eyes to see the world differently? I offer you mine. Book - Homo Unus: Successor to Homo Sapiens